Which one to install ?

Discussion in 'General' started by kadi, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. kadi

    kadi New Member

    I just need an advice on which control panel to install on my
    new server, i did install ISPConfig on my first one and one thing
    i didn't like that the installation changed alot of the original
    files and that made me lost, i am not expert in linux that is
    why it made me lost, also i have hard time with proftp on ispconfig
    it keeps saying in the status proftp is down for no reason
    then i heard that vhcs2 doesn't do that.
    I need some advice here, it will be appreciated.
    Thanks very much :)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2008
  2. madmucho

    madmucho Member

    Please which distribution you use?
    Do you follow any howto in this server?
  3. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks for fast reply

    hello madmucho
    Yes i did follow how to on this server and the version was 2.7.1 now
    i just download the new 2.2.21.
    Thanks again:)
  4. madmucho

    madmucho Member

    Well and your linux distro? Mandriva or ubuntu or debian or...? ?
  5. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks again for fast reply

    hello again madmucho
    my linux distro on the old server was debian etcch 4, and i am using it
    on the new one also.
    I like the ISPConfig it is very nice gui too, just little tricky in some places
    and i can tell you, when i have it installed i never figured out where is the
    FileManager, i coudn't find it so i checked the documentaion it doesn't explain details very much , i don't mean to insult the program but hopefully the new release will be alot easier to deal with.
    Thanks again for your help.:)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It is called WebFTP, you find it in the upper main menu ;) It is there since the first version of ISPConfig.
  7. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks for fast reply

    hello till
    Thanks for the help, also i like to have and idea about setting the websites
    directory, can i put them in /var/www/site because the ispconfig put them
    i think somewhere else, and what was confusing me that each time i create
    a site it will make folder : /web1/web/web/site/web i don't understand, so
    how can i just put the sites under /var/www/site folder?
    Thanks again for your help. :)
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig creates the sites under /var/www/site/web, or at least a symlink with this name taht you can use to access the site on the shell. This can not be changed and we will most likely do not implement this to be changable in ISPConfig 2 as the complete software depends on this site layout.
  9. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks till again for your help and fast response

    hello Till again and sorry to bother you.
    Thanks for the information
    so i should put my site files under /var/www/mysite/web
    another thing, which ip address should i use, there is so many places
    on ispconfig asking for ip address, i have router private address 192.168.x.x
    and public address 97.x.x.x ?
    I will install the 2.2.21. so that is why i am asking those questions.
    and how to install 2.2.21 fresh not upgrade.
    Thanks very much for your help again
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2008
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    For the web sites you must use the IP address that you see in the output of
    For the DNS records you must use the public IP address.

    The installation is always the same, no matter if it's a fresh install or an upgrade.
  11. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks mr/falko again for being a great help

    hello again
    thanks very much for being a great help.
    my last questions i thought to put it here
    instead of posting a new one.
    when i add a new site or even a new database
    ispconfig always create it under Web1 like :
    mysite.com it will be Web1/mysite.com
    also db Web_udb1 ?
    can i change the setting for that or rename
    Web1 to the name of the site ?
    isp doesn't give me a choice.
    question #2 : when i tried to make
    a backup FTP on G4L i select /dev/hda
    and the backup was the whole size of
    the drive 37GB ? the data is only 4.gb
    should i choose /dev/hda1 ? my new
    hda is 76GB ! so how to backup data
    only not the whole drive on G4L ?
    Thanks again and again.:)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2008
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You don't need to change that because ISPConfig also creates a symlink with the name of your web site that points to web1.
    Example: your web site is named www.example.com and is stored in /var/www/web1
    Then there should as well be a symlink /var/www/www.example.com that points to /var/www/web1.

    Did you select a compression mechanism in Ghost4Linux?
  13. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks again and one more question only

    hello mr/Falko again
    this will be my last question for now.
    so that means if i go //var/www to check one
    of the sites and what files in it how do i know
    if it is web1 or web 5 ? just keep checking one
    by one ?
    Thanks alot again:)
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You dont have to know the ID's of the webs, there is a symlink with the name of the domain pointing to the correct directory as falko described above.
  15. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks to both of you mr/Falko & mr/Till

    thanks to both of you for your great help,
    i installed ispconfig 2.2.21 and everything
    went smooth, now i am facing somthing
    else, when i go to the address fo ispconfig
    the browser Iceweasel gives me an error
    Security error : (Domain name Mismatch)
    that my certificate is not registered on
    this site (kandkmarket) but for (kmarket)
    that is the name i put into the certificate
    info, so how can i change that to the
    real site name , or cahnge the name
    on ssl 3 or what should i do?
    it will let me in if i said OK, but it keeps
    coming each time i go to ispconfig.
    hope i am not desturbing both of you with
    alot of questions.
    Thanks alot again:)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  17. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Hello mr/falko again need your help again

    Thanks alot for your great help and with
    your instructions for the ssl i corrected
    the problem, now i am facing small
    ispconfig does not come on when
    i write : http://www.mysite.com:81
    or even https://www.mysite.com:81
    I did like you told another post open
    the file config.inc.php and took the
    (S) make it (http) only but this did not
    make any differance , the only way it
    it works if i write https://192.168.x.x
    it doesn't work with the address.
    do i need to Reinstall it again ?
    i don't know how to correct this
    problems, i hope i am not disturbing
    you too much.
    and real thanks for your help again :)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does www.mysite.com point to your router's public IP address, and does your router forward port 81 to the ISPConfig system?

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