Whitelisting and policy not working

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by francoisPE, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. francoisPE

    francoisPE Active Member HowtoForge Supporter


    I have a multiple conf server with ISPC 3.2.9. I am running rspamd/unknown,now 3.7.3-1~23ed02bca~focal amd64 [installed]
    Everything seems to be fine except the fact that whitelisitng is not working.

    I whtelist a domain but it has no effect.

    I try several thing from

    From Till
    One thing that you might try is to empty (or move all files to a backup directory) in /etc/rspamd/local.d/users/, and I mean all, not just the whitelist files, and then use Tools > resync for all mail related functions to let ispconfig regenerate them. Maybe you have some old config files there which cause the whitelist to not work.
    My domain doesn't have .conf file... So I apply Tilll recommandation. Now there is a .conf file.
    ispc_spamfilter_user_65 {
            priority = 15;
            rcpt = "@dom.fr";
            apply {
                            CLAM_VIRUS = 1020;
                    JUST_EICAR = 1020;
                            actions {
                                            "rewrite subject" =  5;
                            "add header" = null;
                                                            reject = 20;
                                                    greylist = null;
    and a whitelist .conf file also
    spamfilter_wblist-26 {
            priority = 45;
            from = "@fromdom.fr";
            rcpt = "@dom.fr";
            want_spam = yes;
            apply {
                    actions {
                            reject = null;
                            "add header" = null;
                            greylist = null;
                            "rewrite subject" = null;
    But it doesn't change anything

    Next I setup my mail box to "want all SPAM". But it still apply policy as before

    Any idea what it could be ?
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Can you share the mail.log and rspamd log with the relevant lines when such an email comes in?

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