Hi there, I work for Lycos and have been tasked to find a way to get PHP and MySQL functionality for Tripod users. I have looked at numerous solutions, and so far none of the open sourced solutions look like they will give us this functionality soon enough-- except maybe ISPConfig. I have looked at 2.2.27 and don't think this is enough of what I want quite yet, but maybe I'm missing something. I also have installed (both on virtual machines) and have some issues/questions with its UI, as well as release schedule and what it will support, and if that time-frame would work with our time-frame. Is there someone who I could talk to who is a core developer on ISPConfig? What would be the contact information to set up a phone call or some sort of dialogue? Danke! Patrick "CaptTofu" Galbraith
You can contact either till (t [dot] brehm [at] projektfarm [dot] de) or me (ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com) by PM or email.