Who's Using ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by Gushy, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Gushy

    Gushy New Member

    I'm currently looking at ISPConfig for my new VPS' (I've just setup a test server and it seems good so far). I've searched the net for reviews and most of the comments I've seen seem to say that ISPConfig is good for a testing / LAN environment but that they wouldn't use it a business critical app.

    I'm sure some people must, so I thought i'd ask. Hell if there are some decent hosting companies, I might forgoe my new plain VPS' and get one that has ISPConfig pre-installed.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2006
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Many hosting companys are using ISPConfig or 42go (the commercial counterpart of ISPConfig). Especially when they offer dedicated servers or VPS. But I dont have a list available that I'am are allowed to publish here, so maybe some of them post to this thread too :) The only limitation in the current ISPConfig versions is that it does not allow to manage multiple servers with one controlpanel.
  3. Gushy

    Gushy New Member

    Ok, well hopefully some will post to this thread. I'd certainly be interested in hosting companies I could just go with rather then setting up my own VPS or dedicated box.

    I'm fed up with my current dedicated that has an old copy of ensim.
  4. mystix

    mystix New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    After running a webserver with suse linux and confixx for 4 years, i was looking for a new tool for the administration of the useraccounts. I've made a list of all the tools i knew and tested a lot of them. I decided to buy 42go ISP-Manager (the commercial version of ispconfig) . The price and the features and the flexibility convinced me. In the beginning i was not so happy with the userinterface because of the frames and the javascript and because there was a big difference of the look and feel between confixx and ISP-Manager.

    After testing ISP-Manager on a local server for some weeks, the developers decided to release this tool under an opensource license. Now I was definitely convinced by using ispconfig because as opensource I had the guaranty that there will be a perfect online support and there will be new developers who will contribute to the development of ispconfig.

    Since september 2005 I'm running a debian-server with ispconfig and some 40 clients and 80 domains and I've never regraded my choice.

    I think after all, the main reason to use ispconfig is the absolutely genius support of Till and Falko and all the other users in the forum. Many thanks for that and I hope in the future there will be more users of the community to contribute to ispconfig by supporting, testing and developing, to give something back to the community.

    a very satisfied user

  5. Gushy

    Gushy New Member

    well that's certainly a glowing response, definitely makes me think I'll be using ISPConfig.

    I've been playing with it on a test box, but I think control panels are one of those things that you never really learn if you like until you role it out to a live server.

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