Why isn't the e-mail domain not part of the sites module?

Discussion in 'General' started by ppnl.com, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. ppnl.com

    ppnl.com New Member

    Why isn't the e-mail domain not part of the sites module?

    Now everytime I have to create a domain for the website AND for the e-mail. I do understand from server admin perspective but not from user friendlyness and maintainability.

    Or did I miss a feature and is it possible to automatically create e-mail+webdomain in one time?!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is a modular contropanel and it has a separate module for handling email domains. So if you want to create a email domain, then you do this in the email module and not the sites module as a website is not the same as a email domain. Not every domain is used for web and email and even if a domain is used for email and web, then they dont reside nescessarily on the same server.

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