Why ISPConfig and some Questions?

Discussion in 'General' started by bmartin, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. bmartin

    bmartin New Member

    I found a dedicated server that I am going to purchase. My question is what does cpanel have that ISPConfig doesn't? If cpanel is so expensive is it that great? I know this is a forum for ISPConfig but the company I am going to get the server from charges $30 a month to use cpanel. Is ISPConfig worth saving the $30? Don't get me wrong I have used ISPConfig and am very impressed great software, but I have not used cpanel so am wondering what it is all about with that kinda price tag.

    Also the standard line with the server is 10Mbps is that fast enough or should I pay the extra $35 for 100Mbps.

  2. mlz

    mlz Member

    In some ways it's preference. I can do a whole lot more mod'ing on the code of ISPConfig than I can with cpanel. Additionally can't do EVERYTHING I need, so I decided to go GPL. While we are still a ways from where I want to be with ISPConfig, I'm getting closer every day. Additionally, with cpanel, I had that fee tacked on to each server. No thanks, it's only $30, guess who has to pay for it, my clients. No thanks.

    Besides, I'm an opensource freak. :D

    10mbs is probably fine to start with, if it's the company I think it is, you can upgrade whenever you like, if not, check with them. Any good colo will change it for free (other then the monthly fee) when you need it.
  3. bmartin

    bmartin New Member

    Yes it is just a company starting out. I have a decent amount of Linux experience, but little on the server end. I kind of tackled this as a project to help my friend who is an excellent graphic and web designer. Just doesn't know much about the back end. We are starting small and working our way up.

    I have been using ISPConfig on a server I built in my house and have been very pleased. It is great software. I was just wondering since cpanel is so expensive if it was that much better. I played with the demo and didn't think all that much of it. Price isn't everything and I too love open source software.

    There will be flash sites on the server also, but probably to start not a lot of traffic so you think 10Mbps should suffice? And yes I can upgrade for no extra charge other then the monthly fee.

  4. mlz

    mlz Member

    Let's put it this way, only one of my servers (which isn't web BTW) uses even close to the capacity of a 10Mb/s connection (Realistically, you'll never get more then 3/4 of the rated speed). That lone server is a streaming server, and the people that are on it pay a LOT more then the norrmal web clients do.

    When I started out, I had over 200 clients on 2 T1 lines, that's only 3 Mb/s (roughly).

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