Why not configure phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by darinpeterson, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. darinpeterson

    darinpeterson Member

  2. darinpeterson

    darinpeterson Member

    Anyone know the answer to this?
  3. M1ENT

    M1ENT New Member

    I believe when using it, Your package needs to depend on dbconfig-common and its default setup!

    not sure if it could cause problems for later installations..
  4. darinpeterson

    darinpeterson Member

    Thanks for your reply M1ent.

    Yes. I don't know either... I have always said yes, and have not had any problems.

    I am still interested if there is anyone who knows the answer to this question... Why say no? And when saying, no, how is phpmyadmin configured then?

    I want phpmyadmin installed and usable, so any explanation for this would be helpful.

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