Windows Applications under Linux

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by bobheaps, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. bobheaps

    bobheaps New Member

    I am a recently retired mechanical engineer who used AutoCAD almost exclusively at work. Recently I started using UBUNTO because of my dislike of Windows both technically and morally. I still require a CAD program for use at home and AutoCAD is far to costly and complicated.
    I have tried a number of CAD programs, both native to Linux and windows and have found the best by far to be A9 CAD ( but it only runs under windows. I get frustrated having to reboot just to use this program. I searched the web and found one suggestion using Wine. I followed the instructions as best I could but was unsucessful.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for running this program under Linux.
    If so could you help me bearing in mind I am new to LINUX and know hardly anything.
    Thanks in advance,
    Bob Heaps
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. bobheaps

    bobheaps New Member

    Hello falco,
    I persevered with Wine. I removed the program (A9CAD) from windows and re-installed it using Wine. I tried Konquerer to run it but was only partially sucessful. I retried Konquerer as root and everything was fine. Its so nice to know help is available to such naieve people as me
    Bob Heaps
  4. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

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