Windows as virtual guest on Linux server?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by SoftDux, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. SoftDux

    SoftDux New Member

    Hi all

    Has anyone attempted to install Windows 2003 as a guest OS on an existing Linux server yet? In this case the Linux server runs CentOS 5.1 64bit, and I can increase the RAM & upgrade the CPU if needed.

    I'm currently looking at OpenVZ & Xen for virtulisation, so if possible, I'd like to run it on one of the free virtulization platforms.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    OpenVZ is only for Linux vms; if you want to install Windows in a Xen vm, then your processor must support hardware virtualization (AMD: Pacifica; Intel: VT).
  3. petter5

    petter5 New Member

    Windows 2003 as a guest OS on an existing Linux

    I has installed Windows 2003 as a guest OS on Ubuntu 7.10 server / Vmware server. Speed as a turtle on a new dual Xenon /8 gig ram /serveraid SAS/ IBM server.

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