wordpress plugin install fails with 500 Error

Discussion in 'General' started by arvindikchari, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. arvindikchari

    arvindikchari New Member


    I have added the wordpress plugins folder as well as "web" (root web folder) to Open_BaseDir list of directories, for a domain.

    Now I am trying to install a plugin using Wordpress admin->plugins->upload- however immediately after upload I am getting "Error 500- Internal Server Error" message

    What am I doing wrong here?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ensure that you use as php mode "php-fcgi" and that suexec is enabled for the website. Then check that all files and folders in the web directory of the site belong to the web[id] user and client[id] group of this website.
  3. testpress

    testpress New Member

    i have done this and a bunch more and nothing seems to help. am running ubuntu ispconfig apache and the moment you modify the database, even activating preloaded plugins, it fails to 500 erro with the yellow header
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I run several wordpess blogs on a ISPConfig server that is installed as descrbed in the perfect server setup, all work lawlessly. You should take a look at the error.log of the website to find the reason for the problem on your server.
  5. inside83

    inside83 Member

    I'm having the same issuer. Error 500 when uploading plugin in WordPress - strangely, not all plugins are affected.
    Where to find error log in ISPconfig?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You find the error.log of the website in the log directory of the website.
    inside83 likes this.
  7. inside83

    inside83 Member

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