wordpress u

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Amorphous, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Amorphous

    Amorphous New Member

    hello i installed on one of my domains, domain1.com a php wordpress blog, wordpress u ... i have a small problem, thi type of wordpress should create automaticlly subdomains like sub1.domain1.com for each blog. the problem is that, either the domain space and access is wrong or this kind of wordpress is not working with ispconfig 3.

    server Centos 5.2 Ispconfig 3
    site acces and settings:

    server server1.asdf.com
    client myname
    ipaddress * (same as the server `s)
    domain domain1.com
    harddisk quota 10000 MB
    cgi active
    ssi active
    suexec active
    own-error documents active
    auto-subdomain *.
    ssl not active
    PHP (tryed MOd-PHP and SUPHP not working either)

    with these settings, is there something i missed ? is there something i have to change ?? is there another typr of wordpress blog i should use ??
    if someone knows , plzz i cant wait for an answer :) thanks alot.

    reminder: the domain1.com is hosted in my ispconfig server, all the other subdomains created so far were created from mydns, all of them are working perfectly .... but adding automaticly subdomains from the blogger, is the real problem ....

    this is the link: http://xgamers.ro i hope i m not getting banned for posting, but i think that if someone knows how to solve this, maybe he would like also to look exactly at what i m using ...
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  2. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    Hi Amorphous,

    You must add wildcard "*" record in your DNS zone for it work perfectly with your ispconfig system
  3. Amorphous

    Amorphous New Member

    thanks alot it works like a charm now :)

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