hi guys, this is a very specific wpmu question, I really hope someone who has it running can help me. my problem is when I sign up for a new blog, I get the mail where I have to click on the url to activate my blog but clicking that link gives me a DNS error... I am attempting a fresh wpmu install on my own server running Debian 3.1 stable, php4.3 mysql 4.024, apache2 2.0.54 and bind 9.2.4. I am trying to install the subdomain version I am testing this domain: http://zice.ro the /etc/bind/pri.zice.ro contains this: zice.ro. A www A mail A *.zice.ro A ftp A so the important section: *.zice.ro A is there. the apache vhost looks like this: <VirtualHost> Options FollowSymLinks <Directory /var/www/web5> AllowOverride All </Directory> SuexecUserGroup web5_postmaster web5 ServerName www.zice.ro:80 ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/web5/web ServerAlias zice.ro *.zice.ro the serveralias *.zice.ro is set, FollowSymlinks is set, the only thing I am unsure about is whether I did ok including that directory directive inside my vhost with AllowOverride can someone please test? you can go ahead and sign up for testblogs please. also another question arises: can I get rid of the main site blog residing inside zice.ri/blog/ ?
well, 48 hours after setting all those settings described above I set another record: and now it works. I am not sure if it was a VERY delayed DNS setting (48 hours!?) or a very early one (after the new A record I set) but it works now....