I'm working on a python program to search and replace for an IP address in the DNS tables and replace it with something else. But I'm stuck at the first hurdle. I can't login Code: server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(ISP_CONFIG_URL) try: # Authenticate session_id = server.login(ISP_CONFIG_USER, ISP_CONFIG_PASSWORD) print("Successfully connected to ISPCONFIG Remote API!") print("Session ID:", session_id) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to ISPCONFIG Remote API:", e) sys.exit(1) It always gives an Failed to connect to ISPCONFIG Remote API: <ProtocolError for server.kalfa.uk:8080/remote/index.php: 500 Internal Server Error> I can telnet to that port, so it's listening, and credentials are correct, permissions of the remote user I picked are full, so I don't know why I get an error 500. I also couldn't find anything in the system logs.. Many thanks, -t
I'd recommend using a php script to do whatever you want to do. The API is well documented with PHP examples.
I'm not a Python coder, but it seems you are trying to use XMLRPC, but ISPConfig does not provide an XML-RPC API. You can either use the SOAP API or the REST API from ISPConfig. But as @pyte mentioned, there are plenty of examples in PHP, so using PHP is probably easier.