www page wont open

Discussion in 'General' started by acaradic, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. acaradic

    acaradic New Member

    Hello every1,
    nice 2 be here again even i'v got problem :) .
    Right, since my last visit 6 month's ago my system was working smoothly without any problem.

    I know Falko gonna say u should not run dns on dynamic ip, and i dont think my ip is dynamic. Cose i got last ip since i have had my modem instaled. So now after almost 2 years it has changed.

    My problem is this, so since it has changed i cannot open my www.domain.com but my http://domain.com is workin ok, and some others subdomain.
    I have updated DNS entry's inside ISP Config.

    Thanks guy's!!!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please update the IP address in ISPConfig under management > server > settings, then make sure that the IP address is selected for the website and click save in the website, even if the IP address is already selected.

    Make also sure, that you have changed the IP address in the www A-Record of domain.com in the DNS-Manager and not just on the first tab of the domain.com dns settings.
  3. acaradic

    acaradic New Member


    As alway's mate you hit nail in the head!!!

    Thanks for your help


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