Hi, 3 months ago I've disbaled Amavis, to improve my server performance, as described here: http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/guides-ispconfig/3261-how-optimize-ispconfig.html Then, some days ago, I've update ispconfig and mail don't work... I did'n remember to comment Amavis lines at /etc/postfix/main.cs: # content_filter = amavis:[]:10024 # receive_override_options = no_address_mappings Ok. Now I've done it again and my website seems can send email BUT I receive lots of mail deliver error messages: "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" with a details file like this: Reporting-MTA: dns; mydomain.net X-Postfix-Queue-ID: B34D295327 X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; [email protected] Arrival-Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 16:51:57 +0200 (CEST) Final-Recipient: rfc822; [email protected] Action: failed Status: 4.4.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]:10024: Connection refused And this command: # netstat -tanp|grep 10024returns nothing... Any ideas?
Here you are: # content_filter = amavis:[]:10024 # content_filter = amavis:[]:10024Both lines are commented.
You may have mail in queue that's set to hit that content filter, from prior to you disabling it. If so, you can just fire up amavis for a minute, flush the queue, then disable again after everything delivers. Atlernatively, there's also a way to change where it's going to deliver to (I don't remember the details, but google should help find it), or you could even fire up another downstream smtpd on port 10024 (ie. duplicate the entry in master.cf and change to, restart postfix, flush the queue, then clean up master.cf).