I'd like to install Xen on my Intel Xeon box, but this how to is 2 years old and for 32bit version http://www.howtoforge.com/centos_5.0_xen Is there a more up to date how-to for Xen on 64bit Centos 5? Also, any open source web gui for Xen available at this time? Thank you.
I was playing around with this and installed Xen. But I'm at a lost on this part: In the meantime, I created a new one called vm02 But I'm stuck at this screen. The "sending request for IP..." disappears and shows the default configure tcp/ip screen again.
How would I check this? All I know its a live dedicated server and I have 5 usable IPs (I did not assign them yet otherwise).
I tried this method too: Getting this error, even tried 3 different mirrors http://i42.tinypic.com/wu5uvq.png this is my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 content
If the server is in a datacenter, there's probably no DHCP server. Choose "Manual configuration" in this case.
I tried manual too. I tried this: virt-install -x "ip=xxx.xxx.64.170 gateway=xxx.xxx.64.169 subnet= dns=" What is the install location? http://centos.digitalson.com/centos/5/os/x86_64 Then, on the conf tcp/ip screen, I get blank screen tinypic.com/r/10hitmo/5