Xubntu 2.10 Install failure

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cammor, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. cammor

    cammor New Member

    Premise: I'm a dummy user!!!!
    I tried to install Xubuntu 2.10 on two different machine on wich was installed Wxp yet, following step by step the instruction and let installer default and suggested choice. In the first one I receive at boot Grub error 17, I try first to restore the system and after to reinstall entirely always the same result (and I can't restore windows even using the restore from CD "bootfix" and "mbrfix").
    In the second one I reach a step over: grub don't give me error and let me select wich OS start. Windows is OK. Xubunu tell me a lot of error and ask for a new user that I try to create but w/o success. How is possible that is so hard reach the minimum target of install and run? I want lug linux world, but premise aren't so shining.
    Tanks a lot for help.
    (Before answer read again the premise of this mail :) )
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I guess your hardware is too new and not supported yet.
    Have you tried all boot options of the Xubuntu CD?

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