Yaa How-To

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Slicer, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    I am almost there but have the following issue.

    Warning: Your MTA does not provide Delivered-To header. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned.

    Dec 28 15:33:53 <server_name> yaa.pl[7584]: 4137201: Warning: Your MTA violates RFC 822 by not adding Return-Path header in message. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned.

    Dec 28 15:33:53 <server_name> yaa.pl[7584]: 4137201: Message sender: <somebody>, recipients: <someone>

    Dec 28 15:33:53 <server_name> yaa.pl[7584]: 4137201: Error: Unable to query lookup map 'my_sql_map': Lookup to map 'my_sql_map:local_domains' failed: Error executing SQL: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed

    Dec 28 15:33:53 <server_name> yaa.pl[7584]: 4137201: Error: Unable to query lookup map 'my_sql_map': Lookup to map 'my_sql_map:local_domains' failed: Error executing SQL: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed
    If I can just get past this I should have a working autoresponder on my system .:D


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which MTA do you use (Postfix?), and which distribution?
  3. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    Ubuntu 6.06.. Postfix..

    Everything set up from using your fine how-to(s).

    ASSP is also in place but I do not think that it has anything in play at this time.


  4. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    Getting Closer

    well.. I am getting close.. All I have left now is

    Sending autoresponse message failed: Unable to connect to SMTP server 'localhost': Connection refused ​

    Trying to find out where to get around this at now.. any one have any ideas?

  5. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    Got It!

    Found the reference to localhost in the Autoresponse.pm. Changed this to have the correct port number as I had changed this for ASSP to work correctly.

    There were some typo's on my part that had the table look ups messed up so that is fixed as well.

    Only errors I see now is:

    Warning: Your MTA does not provide Delivered-To header. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned.

    Warning: Your MTA violates RFC 822 by not adding Return-Path header in message. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned.

    Now this may not be something that I need to worry about, but as I built the server using the How-To's found here I though I would being it up.

    Any Ideas on the last little bit?

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think this goes into Postfix's internals... Don't know if it's on Postfix's programming or if it can be changed by a configuration directive.
  7. MJH

    MJH New Member


    I was searching for the errors that I am getting trying to setup Yaa! and found this site. This error has been seen before, but there doesn't appear to be a solution to it.

    I am using Postfix, with MySQL, Courier for POP3 and IMAP. The OS is a fairly heavily updated version of Slackware. I am wanting to set Yaa! up to run as a daemon but can't seem to get around these errors.

    May 24 20:07:36 kiwi yaa.pl[1540]: 3814284: Error: Unable to query lookup map 'my_sql_map': Lookup to map 'my_sql_map:local_domains' failed: Error executing SQL: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed
    May 24 20:07:36 kiwi yaa.pl[1540]: 3814284: Error: Unable to query lookup map 'my_sql_map': Lookup to map 'my_sql_map:local_domains' failed: Error executing SQL: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed
    May 24 20:07:36 kiwi yaa.pl[1540]: 3814284: Error: Unable to query lookup map 'my_sql_map': Lookup to map 'my_sql_map:active' failed: Error executing SQL: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed

    My yaa.conf file reads:
    $daemon = 1;
    $daemon_background = 0;
    $daemon_tcpserver_loglevel = 4;
    $lookup_maps = {
    'my_sql_map' => {
    'driver' => 'SQL',
    'sql_dsn' => 'dbi:mysql:database=mail;host=localhost',
    'sql_username' => "USERNAME",
    'sql_password' => "PASSWORD",
    'sql_select' => "select active, message, subject, charset, forward, local_domains from mail_responder where address = '%m' and active='1'",
    $lookup_map_query_order = {
    active => [
    subject => [

    message => [
    charset => [
    forward => [
    rewrite_sender => [
    rewrite_recipient => [
    'local_domains' => [
    @extra_modules = (

    Any ideas would be appreciated.


    Edit: I have got around that problem now, turns out the %m is not supposed to be surrounded in single quotes (or anything else). I had tried that out of desperation and got no where. I am just trying to get the rewrite_sender stuff working now. Hopefully updating this will help someone in the future.
    Last edited: May 25, 2007

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