I have since a while a local linux (centos) server running. I used to install all the software packages from source but since my last format i switched to the YUM INSTALL method. I works all great and easy, but i have a question. Yum install practically always places everything in the /etc directory. ex: /etc/http Also a lot of the config files are dropped under the /etc dir. This makes it all a bit unstructered and chaotic. While in the past using the source install method, i could personnaly choose where the software would be installed. I could structurize my server which made it much more easier to manage. Ex: alle the software packages i installed in /usr/local/soft/ and alle libs in /usr/local/libs Is there a manner so i could install the software using yum or apt-get in which i can choose the installation directory? Because on of the plus features of yum or apt-get is that the can be maintained and updated very easy. Something that enhances the security of the server. Any help or suggestion are welcome Grtz Thim
Isn't there a away of using yum to get the src rpms? So i can compile the rpms in a manner i want and do they still get updated then?