zimbra relay to same domain

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by golden_eyes, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. golden_eyes

    golden_eyes New Member


    Can I force the STMP to reach the relay host mailbox?

    I have the domain.com hosted at google.com, while I don't have a public IP Address to reach the local mail server "ZImbra" I Wanna force zimbra to deliver to google servers then the fetchmail will pull it from the google server because the people who use the email from outside LAN are not able to check their inbox at local mail.

    Example: [email protected] wanna send to [email protected] if I'm not in the same LAN I should wait until I arrive and check it in the local but I wanna the mail to be send to [email protected] at google.com first then fechmail download it and deliver to my mail box

    Can we do that via bind? or some else?

    Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

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