okey... well if i where to buy my own domain, lets say blabla.com, would that make it possible for me to create www.blabla.com internally? I...
Do i have to register a second dynamic dns at www.dyndns.org (the one im using), or can i set this internally with the dns-options in ISP-config?
Yes i have... cant figure out whats wrong :/ Edit: The site shows up if i only type "xxx.mine.nu" as the URL... while the browser says...
Thanks for your replies :), i've done what you said earlier but i still cant go to my new site by entering the adress that i've given it. I use a...
Hello again, I wonder if there is some sort of guide anywhere for setting up new users... Like if i where to create user "blablabla", what steps...
Okey :).. thanks for helping me through all this... looks as if i'm going to go look for some more hardware :P
Is there some specific router distribution out there (like m0n0wall, ipcop or whatever) that is easy to set up with port-forwarding and all that...
I tried searching the document without luck... thats strange :)... i mean it should be stored somewhere :)
I dont have any IP specified in /etc/network/interfaces/, its all trough dhcp... the thing is that i see that some ip's are set trough the...
That worked just perfectly :D... thanks alot... what is a bit confusing is that you can read this message jsut below the installation...
When i tried downloading the messages trough thunderbird i got a "Unknown AUTHORIZATION state command" reply after i had supplied it with a...
Hello everyone, I've set up a debian-based computer using the "perfect setup" guide at...
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