If you're putting in the infrastructure of a new network, chances are that most of the pc units will be the same to begin with. All you need to do...
I have to say that Gentoo's compiling from scratch is a GOOD thing. If you compile everything the way you want it it's going to be far more...
If you are working in a CHROOT'd environment you need to make sure that it has access to certain files outside that directory. At a guess I would...
Check /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 it will contain your ethernet address information. ________ LilyH
I really hope this isn't as easy as I think it is. If you can ping an ip address (any address at all) your ethernet is working, and network...
I don't suppose anyone knows a decent way of resizing partitions on a linux disk (in a live linux environment) to free up some space to be...
This is the recommended my.cnf for large systems, however it will probably need tinkering with. I suspect that the C++ program you are running...
What you need to do is SIGKILL your mysqld and then remove the my.cnf from /etc/ and then restart mysqld without the my.cnf file and you should be...
You haven't added the correct extension to Apache possibly? Hence it doesn't recognise it as a php format and parse it correctly, and instead...
Just having a stab in the dark, I would say that it looks like it can't resolve your internal address. Is this machine installed on an internal...
Have you restarted Apache? ________ MEDICAL MARIJUANA SEEDS
If you are interested I have created a set of classes in PHP to perform almost the same sort of thing. However it should be noted that he is using...
Look into creating Master and Slave DNS machines. You can make each a master and slave for particular names/ip ranges. They can then propogate to...
Possibly your MySQL needs good optimisation (check out my.cnf). Also what is your SQL Query? Written badly this will slow down query times...
Separate names with a comma.