Hello Till, humble request to help ... See my plugins, however, I continually get that error (PHP Warning: symlink(): File exists in...
Amen to that ..
I am having the same exact problem only that with mine nothing gets to be done! server#: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh tar: .: Cannot...
What would that command be with a 32bit
Thanks once again! That has worked! FYI: I encountered the following error in the upgrade script right after an upgrade. PHP Parse error:...
Thanks for that information Till. Is there a stable SVN branch or I have always to use the download from ispconfig.org
Alright! Do I have to open a bug trackker? I saw this yesterday "..Additionally to the hotfix,0 ISPConfig will be released tomorrow...
Hello Till, As I have noticed after upgrading my ISPConfig3 with svn export svn://svn.ispconfig.org/ispconfig3/trunk/ cd trunk/install...
This was my solution to this problem!
This is very helpful, I landed in the same situation and disabling quotas on '/' partition solved the problem too.
I think I have figured it out ... I used: location ~*/(admin|administrator|wp-admin) {
Hello Everybody, I need some help ... Currently I am allowing authentication to the /administrator folder by (and this working fine for me):...
Solution to the problem My suggested solution to that problem is as follows: In the API lib file...
Separate names with a comma.