Updated the pw here: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf which fixed the problem. Thanks.
Ah, ok. So the report come up with this [WARN] Could not connect to mysql with given user data. Could be a result of changing the Mqsql...
Package install error Tried updating the package list but this didn't work
This has only just started happening. But when I install the wordpress package, I get an install error. This is the nginx log: 2013/12/03...
log files I notice the php error logs are owned by root. Would that be a problem. If I change it, which user should it be, php seems to have...
Seemingly overnight my servers main url has stopped working (403). This also the ispconfig panel is not working: mydomain.com:8080 However...
btw, should I report that as a bug or feature request, or leave it?
I think I have found the problem. I did not realise that it usd customer number not ID. None of my customers had customer numbers set. I...
billing version REV-5
Client number not coming through to invoice number My invoice number pattern is {YEAR} {MONTH} {CLIENTNO}{COUNTER}. Thought the invoices...
I have had a recent issue occur where some invoices are getting the same invoice number. Initially I rationalised that invoice numbers could be...
I had ispconfig 3 running well for a while. However recently when I add new sites (eg test2.mydomain.com), when I visit the url of the new...
Separate names with a comma.