okay thank's @Jesse Norell! Hmm, http://docs.ispconfig.org/development/interface/ is down...
The Docs that Ships with ISPConfig are for the SoapApi, are there any Docs for the REST API? Or doesn't support ISPConfig HTTP Operation like...
Hey there! are there any Plans in the Future to make ISPConfig fully REST Compatible with the OpenAPI Standard? I think it's much easier to handle...
Okay, thanks @till! When the First Release are ready i will Upload it to Composer Packagist and than i‘ll post a link here, so anybody can Test it.
Hey, are the Docs in the Folder Remoting-Client also for the Json API or where can I get a detailed Docs for the Json/REST API? I wan't to create...
@Jesse Norell can u explain how I setup up a reverse Proxy with Apache2 on ISPConfig? Thank's :)
Or use an external Mail Relay server to Send your Mails.
look at the Webinterface from your provider, often there is an Option to change the PTR Record by yourself.
It's correct, you can ignore this "errors", the last two errors are because you have not installed the php-dev packages. php-dev packages are not...
I think this is not possible, correct me when i am wrong.
Yes, the sury repo Sets php8.0 as Standard in Debian, Ispconfig won‘t work with php8. Debian bullseye ships with php7.4 as default thats why you...
Try reinstall php curl, when it works do a update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4 update-alternatives --set php-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi7.4...
Please remove Dotdeb from your system, and only install php from sury. Dotdeb is outdated and conflics with sury. Change sources list, than make...
Separate names with a comma.