Hi. Try to run # /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start and check in the browser again. Then if it's working, it means that the startup...
Please, I cannot find the "directives" fields you're talking about. Please can you point me to any document explaining how this can be done? In...
Hi Till. My question was HOW to use mod_vhost_alias with ISPConfig. This is because i'd like the ability to automate subdomain creation (ie...
Hello! Please, is it possible to use ISPConfig with apache mod_vhost_alias? If yes, how? Thanks.
Hello! Actually, I have only one server with 6 IPs. I have already setup a primary DNS on my server using ISPConfig. Now, I need to setup a...
Hi Till! Thank you very much. I rand your command and it worked! So, it turned out that startup scripts were missing for courier-authdaemon...
My authdaemonrc contains only: authmodulelist="authpam" authmodulelistorig="authcustom authcram authuserdb authldap authpgsql authmysql...
Hi Falko. Yesterday, I figured out that the startup files "S*" where missing in the rcX.d directories. So, it's fixed. Thanks. And as I'm...
The userName is the mail user I have created. I used it without the @ But I tried also with @mydomain.tld but it did not work. By userName is...
Hello! I'm running Debian 3.1 with ISPConfig. I follower the perfect install stuffs. Actually, when I restart my server, IMAP is not started...
Separate names with a comma.