It's been a decade since I joined HowtoForge and I had completely forgotten about the site until I stumbled across it by accident this afternoon....
I'm having big problems with flooding/DDOS attacks against Apache. It's a big hassle and a big problem. I don't want to watch the logs all day and...
I setup a shared FTP account on my public server using ProFTPd. I locked the one user into the home directory (/home/username) and I connected...
I have already run apt-get --purge remove postfix and reinstalled it but I am still getting this error below. I am not sure where to go from here....
Is the link really broken? Do you know of another place I can grab this file? I am trying to download for Linux but ether the...
I also just found this command to work iptables -D INPUT -s theipaddress -j DROP
I have been blocking bad IPs using iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP I accidentally block a good ip, how do I remove the one ip...
Once I tried to start it I get this message hostname:# ./utsyscfg start /opt/SUNWut/lib/utctl.d/features/utlib64ctl: arch64: parameter not set...
I installed and activated mod_evasive for apache2 yet my server is still getting flooded. How can I stop this madness, is there not a fix that can...
Separate names with a comma.