Well.. MariaDB [dbispconfig]> DESCRIBE server; +------------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field...
Seems like a problem with SQL migration? MariaDB [dbispconfig]> SELECT SUM(mail_server) as mail, SUM(web_server) AS web, SUM(dns_server) AS dns,...
Here is the full log. The mails server seem to be "disabled" again... root@xxx:/usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts# ispconfig_update.sh --force...
The server ony has a root user. The admin before did not create any other user.
Nope also as a User there is nothing here... [ATTACH]
Oh wait i am logged in as the admin. not as a client. Is this something that matters?
@ahrasis thought so too. So i did run the update yesterday before i wrote promting that the service was disabled. so I enabled it but still no...
No I shure mean Adresses. As stated in the "interface\web\mail\lib\module.conf.php" "Email accounts menu" is disabled if there is no mail service...
So basicly i have the problem that after an update I am not able to create new mail addresses. I tracked the problem down to the...
Separate names with a comma.