Thanks, then I will start searching in the Apache Forums what I can find out about this phenomenon...
Well, the problem I see with unreliable stats, is that creating 'New Web Templates' or adding 'New Webs' that should contain a certain amount of...
Hmm so everyone else is enjoying sensefull stats?? Aaargh why me then?!?!
AM I reading something wrong? Trafficübersicht (in MB): Monat Web 12/2005: 86375.99 thats over 80 Gig to me.... or do we have the comma 1...
Ok, done this is the result: ---------------------------- Scan results ---------------------------- MD5 MD5 compared: 0 Incorrect MD5 checksums:...
Hi! I'm running ISPConfig since a week now, until now only set up one Web for testing purposes, have a big file in that web that was donloaded...
Oh didn't even notice it has been discontinued, thank you! Will have a look...
First of all a BIG THANKS for the brilliant 'perfect debian-sarge setup' and this great software! Runs smooth on the first try! Great job you're...
Separate names with a comma.