For these who a looking this thread: ispconfig overwrites named.conf.options file time to time, so be ready to restore it from backup.
Thanks a lot! You are absolutely right! I have put in 'Update ACL' field 'key client.dynupd' and that key description in named.conf.options. This...
I have tried to add there a sample IP to see what will happen. And happened terrible :( After the update /etc/bind/named.conf.local became 1 bytes...
Hello everyone! Could somebody give me a hint on how to establish safe coexistence of dynamic DNS update and ISPConfig3? I am adding...
RTFM "jailkit" really helps. For those lazy people like me a short summary: Edit /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini to change all paths to your system's...
Do you mean copying? I have tried that first with the same result (i.e. no results). How can I trace what is missing for proper scp or wget...
the same trouble, solutions do not work I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-27-generic x86_64) with ispconfig Symptoms are exactly...
Separate names with a comma.