I have an ISPConfig 3 server on a VPS at TekTonic. I have a dynamic IP at my house that I would like to point a subdomain of my VPS to, such as...
So ISPConfig should be comparing my config file versus the template and copy over anything custom, if I've configured it correctly? My...
The last few times I've updated my ISPconfig3 using the update.sh or the button in the control panel, it has overwritten my dovecot.conf, main.cf...
Is there a feature in ISPConfig 3 to allow the admin to email all the users? For instance if there is going to be server downtime or maintenance...
I'm wondering about the same thing. I believe this should be accomplished by creating relay_domains, relay_recipients, and transports tables, but...
Well you certainly peaked my interest! What are the programs you're planning to run with ispconfig 3? I'm not familiar with maildrop. Is it...
I have been thinking alot about the tutorials that show how to give different services mysql backends, like Postfix, ProFTPd, etc. What I would...
Well then. It does accept special characters, but it will now authenticate via telnet. The important thing is that I can log in and receive emails...
When you said check the white space, you weren't kidding. I did check it, but only in front. Turns out there was an extra space behind the...
Ok, added .localdomain and it didn't work. Log output: Jan 28 13:27:14 web1 courierpop3login: Connection, ip=[::ffff:] Jan 28...
web1:/home/admin# netstat -tap Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address...
Separate names with a comma.