Hi I am running ver 2.2.1 on Mandriva 2008. Is it ok to upgrade to this release? Also where can I find upgrade instructions. Thanks
Solution for Centos 5.5 I know this thread is old, but I have just had this problem. It appears to be a Centos thing as I found the solution...
Hi Guys I want to do a new install of Mandriva 2010 32 bit, but there is no tutorial for it. Does that mean that for some reason ISPConfig Ver...
Bump (please help. spam is driving me crazy :mad: )
Hi Till Version: 2.2.21 Also Spamassassin has stopped working so I guess what I did updated the Perl version and that broke everything that was...
I had the 2010 date issue (mandriva 2008.1) with Spamassassin. I tried to install this using urpmi and it said I had to update some packages and...
missing mysql Hi Paul Yes I found that will be the case. If you edit one of your current sites with ISPConfig not having the mysql checkbox...
Hi Baggus I am actually doing that in some of my websites to link /images to some personal ftp accounts that are outside the website where images...
Ahhh.. It's the simple things that you don't understand that will get you every time. :o Thanks Till, works perfect now! :D
Hi I tried this and got an error: " You cannot assign HTTPD Includes to this website." Am I missing something? What I want is if anyone...
Hi Falko I thought I had but when I checked it was utf8. I think what happened is that skip-networking wasn't in my.cnf so I forgot to save to...
Still got the same problem!?! Hi Falko Just wanted to let you know that there is still a problem with this doctype issue. I have just done...
I also had to do this: ALTER TABLE `isp_isp_web` ADD `web_ruby` char( 1 ) default NULL; Seems to me that the suggestion that the sql is...
I had the same problem with no Mysql checkbox and no databases showing in the options tab. I went from 2.2.6 to 2.2.21. Falkos "replace...
Separate names with a comma.