Hi, and sorry for late, i've no touter normaly. It's a public cloud provided by ovh, i've an public ip adress and after i add failover ip.
Thx for help, how i can resolve it ? (i've an vps vith a main ip for vps and additionnary ip failover)
##### SERVER ##### IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.*** IP-address(es) (as per ifconfig): ***.***.***.*** [WARN] ip addresses from...
##### SCRIPT FINISHED ##### Results can be found in htf_report.txt To view results use your favourite text editor or type 'cat htf_report.txt |...
and i try to connect to ftp by ipv4 adress, but doesn't work... seems it a problem with network...
Hi Till, Thx for your back ! My dns zone is correctly configured normaly (but not in isp, she's hosted by registar) For network problem, how i...
and strange thing, sometime, ssl and let's encrypt become uncheck... don't understand why. I recheck regulary...
Try to switch IP from web host setting to * and not the ip added, but nothing change (ven after apache restart)
Hi people, After a long moment to use Cpanel and Plesk, i discover with pleasre ISPConfig ! :D Actually i test it on little vp, and i tryto add...
Hi everyone, i'm come bak on ispconfig :p I'm under ISPONFIG on debian 8 (auto-install soyoustart). I've configured a client, add a...
finally, i return on plesk...
i've add "Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" in my /etc/apache2/apache.conf but no change
[IMG] Someone can help ?
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