Where is the bugtracker located?
One other thing... One of the scripts that I need to run via the jailed cron is under a utility directory that has htaccess authentication...
It's working now! :eek: Not sure how, but it must be because I added the shell user.
I created a new shell user (web3sys) and was able to login via ssh and run wget successfully. How does the /etc/cron.d/ispc_chrooted_web3 file...
Nothing in the logs that is relevant to jailkit or cron other than the successful commands being run from cron which were similar type entries...
I was able to get it to run by commenting the following line: #SHELL='/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh' Does this shed light on any new ideas?
I have wget installed in /var/www/clients/client1/web3/usr/bin. :confused::confused:
I recreated everything again and the file was finally created: MAILTO='' SHELL='/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh' */5 * * * * web3 /usr/bin/wget -q...
This is strange... I went back to the ISPConfig cron jobs page a couple hours later and it is now populated, but the file still does not appear...
Hmm... I deleted, then recreated the cron jobs (only 2) and they listed in the ISPConfig interface as expected. Then, a couple hours later, I...
So, does this look correct then? */5 * * * * web3 /var/www/clients/client1/web3 /usr/bin/wget -q http://www.mydomain.com/cron.php
Is it a problem not having a space before the /usr/bin/wget? */5 * * * * web3 /var/www/clients/client1/web3/usr/bin/wget -q...
Yes, even restarted the server. I just really don't know what else to try.
I need o get this working with the standard method via ISPConfig. Any other thoughts till? :confused:
No errors or relevant entries in messages or syslog.
Separate names with a comma.