Thx Till, I found this:
Hey, Currently I'm trying to disable TLS1.0 on my Apache 2.4. I added the following line in ISPConfig: SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2 But ssllabs...
I will check. How can I show the content of a object? I tried print_r($object) but got only a white page.
Thx, i got the Code working. After adding a client the plugin is called. But how can I access to the client data (name, email, ...). Sorry, but...
Hey, is there a way to call a external script after adding a customer to the interface. I found the ispconfig/server/plugins-available directory....
strange. After two day of reboot and reconfigure nothing happend. But after a Forumpost everything works again...
Hey. since two days some logile are empty. syslog contains only: Dec 25 09:50:35 host rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.4.2"...
Hey Florian. Thx, this was the right hint:
Hey. I've setup two mailserver as mirror and I'm using Dovecot for replication as Florian wrote in his Blog:...
With a Master-Master DB Setup I got the second mailserver working.
Yes, it's a php issue. Actually I don't want to disable SSL. I thougt I setup a DB Mirror (master-master) via SSL. With this the installer can...
Separate names with a comma.