Can you give more details? Try:mysql -u root -p to see if you cam connect to mysql (you'll have to enter mysql's root password) In mysql type use...
Ups...i made a mistake. Courier listens on port 110; postfix has nothing to do with your problem. From your ps output, i see the pop3d isn't...
And send an abuse report to [email protected]; they usually take this seriously. is a website hosted for free on their servers.
Check /etc/postfix/ to see if your mysql connection settings are correct. Try ps ax | grep postfix to see if postfix is...
You could write a small bash script to copy just the files you need to your external drive and run it via cron if you don't need a disk image. In...
This should all be on the same line: yast2 -i php5-bcmath php5-bz2 php5-calendar php5-ctype php5-curl php5-dbase php5-dom php5-ftp php5-gd...
Maybe you have some iptables rules on your mysql server. Just try telnet mysql.ip:port and see if it connects. If that works, use netstat -ap to...
Are you sure your server connects to the mysql server?
What about rsync? Take a look here and here.
Separate names with a comma.