hello, i have a problem with new email created from ipsconfig When i create a new email, i can login in squirrel mail and send / receive mail...
you are my hero thank you i had a problem in php.ini with memory limit i replace 128M with -1 and it works now !! thank you very mutch
server response to this : wget -q -O htf-common-issues.php "http://gitplace.net/pixcept/ispconfig-tools/raw/stable/htf-common-issues.php" &&...
ty for quick reply this server is running with 13 websites (2 years) never had this problem i certainly follow a tutorial, but (2 years.....
hi ty for awnsers i have no follow tutorial, i do the same thing i do for all my domain :confused: my config is >> debian, ispconfig 3 the...
hi, i have a problem for create a new website ftp domain name >>> .technology i create dns,site,ftp user but i can't login into ftp...
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