I found now the last bits to get it working: the /etc/fstab needs to be adjusted, which I seem to forgot after migrating all to the new server...
I found a bit more: I have created a new website to compare differences between the old sites and a new one. I found this: On the new site logs...
OK, then I have a different problem
Hi, that sounds a bit like my problem in thread: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63367
Hi, I just removed webalizer and awstats and tried the daily script with " php /usr/local/ispconfig/server/cron_daily.php" but no error came...
Hi, your root / is 100% full. You need to free some space in / you have 844G free in /home, but that is a different partition. For example:...
Is there a way to enable logging of the script, which creates the stats? Mayby that gives a hint, what goes wrong.
Yes, both are installed. Package webalizer-2.21_02-3.3.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version Package awstats-7.0-3.el6.noarch already...
yes, they are updated and also every day is a new log file present: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 969563 24. Sep 23:59 20130924-access.log...
I use blacklist from spamhaus.org and others. that works fine. on spamhaus.org you should find information how to configure it.
Hi, I had to move my installation from one server to another (hardware failure). So far it seems to work fine, except the stats. It does not...
Separate names with a comma.