Hi, My ISP Control panel is protected with a Let's Encrypt Certificate which hasn't renewed automatically. It says it expired on 18/08/21. Any...
Works if you add a domain, do you know if it can work for just:
Just one so its only visible when going to:
Hi, I would like to enable the following nginx status page: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html Using something like...
There was a typo in the command but fixed it with the following: acme.sh --remove --domain example.com
Hi, I keep receiving the following error email daily even though the domain in the email has been deleted from there server? [Sun May 2...
I copied the files over manually (not using any sync tools in ISPConfig) I used IMAPSync to migrate the mail from one server to the other. Just...
Hi, I have migrated all my emails to a different ISPConfig Server and have a lot of rules in Roundcube (using the ISPConfig Plugin). Is there an...
Does this mean each sub-domain would have to manually be added to the control panel for the cert to work?
Does ISPConfig support wildcard certificates and if so how do you issues one so subdomains on WordPress work without errors?
Separate names with a comma.