for my needs, i wrote a bash script :
Another way and i believe and more efficiency is this: grep -Eo 'http://[a-z0-9]{1,}.[a-z0-9]{1,}.[a-z0-9]{1,}' /location/linkex/data/links/* |...
my thought is that hal is running with different user writes. try to add your user to hal group check your logs at message file
kill sends TERM signal so there is a possibility not to kill your process. I use pkill command without knowing the PID of the process and after...
cut -d '"' -f14 php_session_file
+1 vim or gvim
Operation not permitted this is a message when i dont have root privileges
just remove the comment from this line alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases you (as i) dont use NIS at your smtp
There is a chance if the configuration file is from a package that you have installed to your system, doing a reinstallation of this package it...
I suggest to use to all your etc & data directories. But as falko have already send you should see what services...
I took the confs a backup and i did a successful reboot everything seems ok. Do you want me to test anything else ? :)
#!/bin/bash echo "Please enter your name and press enter" read name echo "Please enter the number of children you have and press enter" read...
no problem for me, but havent find the time to reboot yet :)
try to configure bind to write logs to another log file and the try to reload bind with this kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` and...
the ftp stands for : File Transfer Protocol and the goal is to upload / download files only from console you can change the perms for a file...
Separate names with a comma.