Okay... solved the problem with the error_log too :D! The problem with ini_set() was no problem at all. I just didn't test the right things (I'm...
I'm using the function in the main Apache on ISPConfig created domains. disable_functions is undefined ('disable_functions =') in the php.ini...
Okay, I solved one problem. In the folder was a .htpasswd file present. when I removed this file I could reset the username and password through...
safemode is disabled for /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini and /etc/php.d/php.ini, and there are no changes made in /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini The...
the out come of ls -la /root/ispconfig/php is I have a lot of errors from /root/ispconfig/httpd/logs/error_log but I think these are relevant...
Yep, SELinux is disabled.
After upgrading to 2.2.6 (fedora core 4) I've experienced some problems. I'm unable to protect files/directories through web-ftp (if I do this i...
yep, that's it! for debugging purposes I had set the following settings: error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = on forgot all about it...
line 53 $s = $HTTP_GET_VARS["s"];
Hi, I've installed ISPconfig and it was running ok until I changed the firewall settings (management->settings). If I restart the ISPconfig I...
Then I won't do that :). Thanks for your quick response. Erik
Isn't there a way to convert the encrypted passwords to readable passwords? For example by writing a custom php page? If so could you give some...
Is there a way to get the usernames and corresponding passwords of exisiting clients and resellers? (including none ispconfig login...
Separate names with a comma.