Ok, solved thanks. I had to service apache2 restart
Hi till, thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately this is not working. Please, have a look there: root@***:/usr/share# update-alternatives...
Hello, I am experiencing a problem with ISPConfig panel. That's my fault. I am here to ask to you how can I change the PHP version used to parse...
Hello, both CMS were written by me, so I am sure that .htaccess is not the issue. I am trying to deep check the default page of Apache/Ubuntu.
XYZ.COM:443 ==== <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /var/www/xyz.com/web...
XYZ.COM ==== root@hostname:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/100-xyz.com.vhost <Directory /var/www/xyz.com> AllowOverride None...
ABC.COM:443 ==== <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /var/www/abc.com/web...
ABC.com ===== root@hostname:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/100-abc.com.vhost <Directory /var/www/abc.com> AllowOverride None...
Thanks, unfortunately this has no effect. root@hostname:~# apachectl -S AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next...
Both domains are websites. Each domain uses A record to point to the server's IP. Domain abc.com IPv4 Address: * Domain: abc.com Autosubdomain:...
Thanks for your reply. I did a check before posting and the answer is: yes both domains have SSL enabled. I unchecked the SSL and LE checkbox,...
The problem is this: I would like to point http(s)://(www.)xyz.com to https://xyz.com, but Apache seems to redirect to another websites.
Hello, I am here again because I have another problem regarding http/https www/non www domains. Basically, I use both LE and www-to-non www...
Separate names with a comma.