Hi, just checked, sorry for wasting your time! It's actually working on the websites, but not on IP. Nikto was giving some false positive!...
Actually, monit and munin are still not working from inside ISPConfig... And pureftpd is sending the server1.domain.com certificate, no matter the...
Hi, thanks for the help! All the confs are in /etc/apache2/conf-available, and they're also simlinked in conf-enabled. Checked it with apachectl...
Thanks!! Read too quickly, and didn't create server1.domain.com!!
Hi everyone, I've installed ISPConfig 3.1, and added some websites. I did some nikto tests on my them, and it showed me some potential...
Hi everyone, one question about the DNS management in ISPConfig. Everytime I create a new record in the DNS section of ISPConfig, it's not...
Hi everyone, pretty much everything is fine with my newly installed ISPConfig 3.1. I've mostly used...
Right! Thanks Till, added ProxyPass /.well-known/ ! before the proxy directives
Ok, found the solution... I actually added a proxy before requesting the certs... Removed the directives, requested certs, added the directives...
Whoops! Ok, did it. Managed to have some info : 14.11.2018-11:16 - DEBUG - exec: /usr/bin/letsencrypt certonly -n --text --agree-tos --expand...
Hi, I did the following checks: - Check that you have Let’s Encrypt installed. =>Yes - When your server is behind a NAT router so that the server...
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, test.domain.com is in DNS (same syntax as prod.domain.com), and www auto subdomain is disabled. I checked, when...
Separate names with a comma.