Ok, thanks, I understand. Do you know a script to export a openLDAP password database, MD5 encryptation, to a /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow ?...
Hi, Can I configure around 900 of users against /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow files, in terms of performance? This is for an email server. Or do I...
Hi, Is it possible to install horde with ispconfig? I know that horde is a bit complicated to configure. Is there any how to? thanks
Change what? An option in the Basis tab?
Hi, I have installed SuSE 10.2, followed the perfect setup, and installed ISPConfig, the problem is when I try to click on a php page it try to...
How can I see the errors or warnings from PHP5? if I want to debug a script where are the PHP5 log files?
I'm running an open suse 10.2 with ISPConfig following the The Perfect Setup - OpenSuSE 10.2 (32-bit). I have enabled the PHP for the site, but...
The cenario is, the master (primary) is on another server on the internet. In the ISPConfig server I only want to configure the slave. In the...
When I configure a slave in DNS Manager -> new Slave I notice that it didn't create the sec.domain.com file. Why? Thanks
Separate names with a comma.