Thanks, maybe I will try one of the other two that you recommend. Somewhere I missed the part (thread) were you recommend using one of those...
Nope, just three files in that directory " sitelist.cfg". I just checked the install document, and...
Till, I just used the "Perfect Server Centos-6.5-apache2-mysql-php-pureftpd-postfix-dovecot-and-ispconfig3-p5" install doc. I'm doing this in a...
OK, I understand now. Thanks I won't spend any more time looking for it. Just curious, is this not something that a lot of people would...
Hi Horfic, I'm not sure what you are saying in your reply, I'm reading it as ispconfig already has a forward and delete option, so that is why...
HI, I've been using the roundcube forward plugin for a bit now and it works great. Just wondering if there is an option to automatically delete...
Sorry to trouble you, this wasn't working last night, but it is now for some reason. I haven't changed anything since I did the update last...
Thanks for the reply. I did the full roundcube upgrade and then downloaded your plugins and everything seems to be working now. One minor bug....
Hi, I installed roundcubemail on my ispconfig server back when it was at v6. Now after a bunch of ispconfig3 updates, I am having issues with...
Hi, I've been running since it came out without any errors. Thought that I'd try the 3.0.5 RC and now I cannot access the control panel....
Thanks for clearing that up. I went ahead and tried the following additions to the original script and it worked. I hope that I didn't forget...
I just tried the zip file and could not log in. When I checked the db the username ("login" in the database) was missing. I'm not sure where to...
Separate names with a comma.