Hello. I'm running PostFix on my server in null-client configuration. So postfix is used to send email only. I receive email via external email...
It is discussed at the link I gave. Anyway, I managed to solve the problem by putting local domain to the list of relayed and setting up...
Please read my question. sendmail detects MX domain is local. That is the problem.
What I am trying to do, is to make sendmail to send all outgoing mail to the server registered as MX for this domain. What good will adding to...
Hello. I have the exact problem, like in this post: http://serverfault.com/questions/25068/sendmail-to-local-domain-ignoring-mx-records I am...
I cannot help you on the further process. I never used those drivers. And don't think you should ;)
I think that's all if OS sees RAID ok.
Ops, I am sorry. You can try this:...
Driver for this fraid is here: http://www.lsi.com/storage_home/products_home/internal_raid/megaraid_sas/megaraid_sas_8208elp/index.html
If you will search the net, I think, you will understand, that it is the FRAID, you need to avoid, not Linux software RAID system, which is much...
The solution is to drop this integrated RAID. It is not a hardware RAID, but a FRAID (fake RAID) almost the only use of which is to serve as a...
Is that possible speaking of CentOS? Is Anakonda installer CentOS-based itself?
Separate names with a comma.