Back after a little break :) Very informative posts here since last time ! It seems like I'm closing in on a solution , my ISP are NATing my...
Yes, I chose no-ip for managing the DNS service and their setup was fairly easy, recommended ! , but seems my ISP is NATing me. Feels strange,...
the router part is not the problem, dlink seems to have thought about this things very well :) But forwarding the DNS records was over my head....
Hm. I've been looking and looking..... I don't know about any other place to set the gateway than /etc/network/interfaces... please enlighten me !
Yes from phpmyadmin ! Glad that it's normal, seems like a very good thing that you don't have that "cookie" feeling you can get when loging out...
I followed Falko's advice, and I'm sorry if I didn't made that clear. By no means am I ignoring your advices :) The error was this : MySQL...
thanks for the reply ! Please see the first post in this thread for the error message. I used to be able to login to ISPconfig with admin +...
Hi again I have set it like this : $go_info["server"]["db_password"] = "mypasswordhere"; Can't reach phpmyadmin since I can't get past...
Sorry, I just have to get this straight : ISPconfig login name/password can be different from Mysql ? Cause Ispconfig login failed after I...
ok...I just realiced that those keys, certificate is od course for ISPconfig and apache if I'm not mistaken....have some reading to do :) EDIT:...
Seems like what I'm looking for, I only want that server to be accessible by ssh from one other pc here at home. During install of ISPconfig...
Feel like I'm abusing the forum here, need help again ! Everything worked, then I changed my password in phpmyadmin and I'm not allowed access...
Posting a new thread since I think (or at least hope) that more ppl are thinking about this.... Ok, ISPconfig up and running, sites ready,...
Separate names with a comma.