Hi Till, this worked. Many thanks, but all my Databases are gone... not nice but manageable.
Hi Folks, after using ISPconfig for 4-5 months everything worked fine. Yesterday my VServer crashed and after fixing some issues i tried to...
So i created a new Web, put the Contents of the .htaccess in the Directives and got the following error Warning: Unknown: failed to open...
Yes, the Application won't work. I'll do an new web with the directives.
Hi Till, i tried but then other applications wont work then. So i think i had to create a new web or?
Hi all, iam trying to install Gallery 1.5 (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130&package_id=7239&release_id=532664). I...
I GOT IT. I unpacked ISPConfig and then i unpacked php in the compile_aps folder. Uncommented the "tar xvzf php.." in the compile-file and...
root@v1919:~# cat /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 8144612 kB MemFree: 127716 kB Buffers: 118100 kB Cached: 2432624 kB...
It dont work, argh.... I had actually no Ideas, anymore. And why php needs so much RAM?
hmm okay, i'll try. any ideas what i could change? atm i tried the "64Bit" hack, i found via google -> this means that i compile it in 64 bit mode
this was a good idea (why i didn't get it), ill try this. i will repost: After 40minutes of Compiling (much more then before) it crashed......
Its a vServer with 160MB RAM for my machine, think 8GB is for the hole machine. OS is Debian 4.0 ISPConfig is Version 2.2.21
root@v1919:~# cat /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 8144612 kB MemFree: 163124 kB Buffers: 160364 kB Cached: 2344392 kB...
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