Jesse, that was it! Thank you!
$ mysql --user=root --password=mypw mydb result mysql: unknown variable 'pid-file=/run/mysqld/' Debian 10 (buster), MariaDB. The...
Oh my. I just re-read this and did a $ sudo ls -alsh /mnt/disks/attachments_storage/mysqlbackups/daily/[database_name] because that is the path in...
Thanks Taleman and nhybgtvfr. CONFIG_mysql_dump_username='xxx' CONFIG_mysql_dump_password='xxx' CONFIG_mysql_dump_host='localhost'...
$ systemctl --state=failed 0 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too. To show all installed unit files use...
Thanks Taleman. Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) It's not configured to send email... I had trouble with mail components and so I shut them down....
I installed it a week-ish ago, and it make daily backups then of my various databases. But since, the daily still shows that single file from Nov...
Th0m thank you so much. It was Postfix and Amavis. Example entries from syslog: Nov 11 18:49:48 lamp-3-vm amavis[27380]: (27380-01)...
Thanks for your response, Jesse. Well, I don't use ISPConfig, but I'd rather let sleeping dogs lie, as they say. I'm not good enough at Linux to...
If you're out of ideas... I understand. I plan to spin up a new server and move my sites if that's the case. The CPU is more than my estimate....
That didn't help. Still getting ~10/sec this error logged for I think 60 seconds, every 5 minutes.
Thanks Th0m. crontab -e shows a default file for my user, everything commented sudo crontab -e shows * * * * *...
I'm seeing thousands of those in mysql error log. Should the IP be "localhost"? If so, where do I change it? I started a thread a week ago in...
Separate names with a comma.