Ok... So. I have already done a bit of work. All what I have done is covered by tests so ... we have already something to run inside Continous...
Hi, Please apologize me but I'm stuck. Could you please explain me how to execute ISPConfig3 tests?
Regarding testing framework I believe using selenium + xvfb + classes wrapping cmd line tools like: quota, /etc/passwd will be good start. Is what...
It is sad to hear quota is not supported inside LXC containers. Nevertheless I will use Docker running existing tests except quota testing....
Instead of using VM we can base on Docker (which is overlay over lxc (linux containers)) which is prefered way to provide sandboxed separated...
Great! Is using free but commercial CI servers like QuickBuild (which is free up to 16 configurations) an option? If we can find machine to...
Hi, I'm wondering is any CI (Continous Integration) service is used for checking ISPConfig code integrity? I'm asking before I would try to...
Age of project is not an answer. Which tools are available for SVN which are absent for Git? I don't know any. But it is Your choice. My...
Hi, I'm starting my adventure with ISPConfig 3 right now :) Because I need something which isn't currently supported (php-fpm and nginx) I'm...
Separate names with a comma.